Sunday, 7 April 2013

Health Benefits of Eating Radish

Radish Health Benefits and Nutrition Facts

Health Benefits of Eating Radish

Radish is a  root vegetable with countless health benefits. It is known botanically and scientifically as "Raphanus Sativus" and oval, round or elongated in shape which can grow in the range of 1 inch to 2 feet long. There are 2 types of radishes namely the spring and winter types, spring radishes are usually mild in flavor compare to winter radishes which have stronger and more pungent flavor. Radishes are believed to have been cultivated since thousands of years ago in Western Asian and eastern Mediterranean regions, they are used especially wide in Indian families.

Radish is one of the important ingredients in most of the salads, due to its properties of pro-digestive. It is a low calorie vegetable with no traces of cholesterol and fat, but abundant with various vitamins and minerals which ranging from Vitamin C, Vitamin B and K. Radishes provide high content of dietary fiber and complex carbohydrates as well as minerals such as Phosphorus, Zinc, Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium and iron. Radish is a nutrients rich root vegetable which demonstrates significant health benefits promoting our overall body health as well as against numerous ailments as listed below:

  • Radish has miraculous effect on Jaundice, it helps to remove bilirubin from the blood and help to prevent the destruction of red blood cell by increasing oxygen supply to liver. It is also helpful in regulating hepatic functions, controlling bile production and the release of enzymes
  • Radish is helpful in cancer Prevention. Consuming radish will prevent the forming of carcinogens in the body. Radish also believes to have special effect on Leucoderma, which people usually try by creating a paste from radish plant seeds and merge with vinegar and place the paste at the impacted location.
  • High content of natural vitamins and minerals in radishes help to promote a health skin. Nutrients such as Zinc, phosphorus, vitamin C and some vitamin-B complex are proven to be helpful in relieving skin diseases. The high Potassium content of Radishes help to control and relieve  high blood pressure.
  • Radishes contain high level of antioxidants, which help to neutralize free radicals and protect our body from their damages. Reducing free radicals will help to reduce the risk of cancer as well as  slow down aging process. Hence, radish is believed to be helpful in reducing wrinkles, grey hair and also preventing diseases caused by aging.
  • Radish provides a good source of fiber which helps in detoxify our body. High fiber content helps to clean out the colon, as well as the rest of the digestive tract. When the digestive tract is cleaned, it improves the absorption of nutrients in our body. Besides, the high fiber content also help to fill the stomach up and soothing the hunger pang, hence consuming radish can assist in weight loss by a healthful way.

Nutrition Fact of Radish: (1/2 cup raw sliced, ~58g)

Energy (Kcal)          12
Water (%)              95
Dietary fiber            1
Carbohydrates         2

Mineral (mg)

Calcium                  12
Potassium               135
Magnesium              5
Phosphorus             10

Vitamin (mg)
Vitamin A                1RE
Vitamin C                13
Folate                    16ug

Radishes are high in carbohydrates and other valuable nutrients as stated above. As they are grown underneath the ground that allow them to absorb great amounts of minerals from the water and soil. In addition to that, as a root vegetable, it acts as a storehouse for the energy that is collected from the sun through the leaves. Therefore radish provides many health benefits for the body.

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